Preparing for INTERACT
As you begin your time together make sure to introduce any newcomers into the group!
Why not take a bit of time to go around and share who you are, what discipline you are from, and maybe some of the ideas you are exploring in your current work/projects?
Then open up the discussion with this starter question:
Consider your creative practice - using only 4 words, how would you describe your approach to making?

Located in the Yorkshire Sculpture Park is this work by James Turrell. In Deer Shelter Skyscape Turrell brings light into a transformed Deer Shelter, allowing the light of the Yorkshire sky to shape the space. Turrell's work is an intervention, framing the light that is otherwise beyond our control and concentrating it within a manmade space. Read more about this work here
What are your initial thoughts about the work?
What are the artist's materials in this work?
The Yorkshire Sculpture Park, who permanently host this piece, describes it as a space for 'contemplation and revelation'. What do you think they mean by this? How is this achieved?
Read: Genesis 1
1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.
3 Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day” and the darkness “night.”
And evening passed and morning came, marking the first day.
6 Then God said, “Let there be a space between the waters, to separate the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth.” 7 And that is what happened. God made this space to separate the waters of the earth from the waters of the heavens. 8 God called the space “sky.”
And evening passed and morning came, marking the second day...
(if you have time in your group... read the whole of Genesis 1)
Now read Psalm 19 v 1-4
1 The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
The skies display his craftsmanship.
2 Day after day they continue to speak;
night after night they make him known.
3 They speak without a sound or word;
their voice is never heard.
4 Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,
and their words to all the world.
Short Reflection:
God is Creator. This is how God is introduced to us in Genesis 1. In the beginning, before anything had been made, there was God. God calls the expanses of the Universe into being. He does this, not because He needs to, but because He delights in creating. As we examine God's process of creation we learn so much about His character and power. He brings everything into being by the sole power of His voice - all of creation is spoken into being by God. There is a beautiful rhythm in God's creativity. He delights to bring form where there is formlessness, light where there is darkness, and creates a world with order, meaning, and diversity. In Genesis we learn about what God considers 'good' and the priortities of His creativity.
Looking onward to Psalm 19, the Psalmist reflects on how clearly the hand of God can be seen even today as we look around at His creation. The Psalmist declares that every inch of the material universe we have around us shows us God's glory and his craftsmanship. As we look around at the detail, the diversity, the colour, the rhythm, the order, and the joy of matter we are learning something about the character of our Creative God. What an excitement it is then to be able to dedicate our time as creatives to contemplate the material world God has fashioned, and learn more of him in the process.
What does Genesis 1 teach us about how God created the Universe?
Look at the Genesis account of God's act of creation, what can we learn about God's character and His creative priorities?
What do you think Psalm 19 means when it says the skies 'speak without sound or word'?
Get Creative: Identify one object or material that you can see around you. Try to explain how this object might help us to learn something about the nature of God and His creation.
INTERACT//Ourselves and Others
Are there particular aspects of creation that you find yourself inspired by? Why?
The Bible introduces us to a God who creates - how does this encourage you as a creative?
"As creatives, our work does not have to be explicitly 'evangelistic' to speak about God and His Creation" - use Psalm 19 to discuss what you think about this statement.
How might Genesis 1 and Psalm 19 influence your own arts practice?
Wrapping Up
Why not spend some time of thankfulness, acknowledging the aspects of creation that you are most thankful for - and praising God for them!
A prayer to finish:
Thank you that you are the God of all things - every detail of this earth, from the greatest expanse to the tiniest detail is the work of your hand. Help me to learn more about you as I look at creation, and please teach more about yourself each day. Thank you that the skies declare your glory and craftsmanship and I pray that you will help me to see that more and more.