To Get You Started: Morphe Arts Bible Study Series...
The group Morphe Arts has a selection of excellent Bible Studies for Artists, Designers, Performers and Writers available to purchase on their website. They are simple to use and help you to get to grips with some of the foundational Bible Passages for creatives to grapple with!
Why Art Matters by Alastair Gordon
A fantastic and easy to read book that will encourage you afresh to celebrate the importance of art. Sometimes we can find ourselves caught up in the question 'what use does my art really have in the great scheme of things'. Ally Gordon helps us to dig through that question and come to the other side rejoicing, not in the 'usefulness' of art, but in the God given value of it.

Imagination Manifesto by Ted Turnau and Ruth Naomi Floyd
In a time of culture warring and division, this book wonderfully explores the role that the Christian imagination can play in cultivating spaces of refreshment, truth, and goodness. The book takes a very practical approach to these questions, and each chapter contains a helpful discussion guide - perfect for hub use!

Redeeming Vision by Elissa Yukiko Weichbrodt
A brilliantly practical guide to learning to look well at the images around us. Think of the classic 'Ways of Seeing' by John Berger, but from a Christian theological perspective. The book guides you through the practical how to's of looking at art, leading into a beautiful exploration how looking well at art helps us to better love God and our neighbours.

Art and Faith by Makoto Fujimura
This beautifully contemplative books explores the sacred act of making as a journey into a better understanding of ourselves, our world, and God's own being. Well worth a read as part of your hub timetable.

Culture Care by Makoto Fujimura
Another book by Makoto Fujimura! This book takes on the mantle of reframing our understanding of the arts as a way of blessing and cultivating the soul of our culture. It will leave you feeling encouraged that a calling into the arts is one of caring for the world around you. The book also includes a very handy discussion guide at the back!

Reality and Other Stories by Pete Dray and Matt Lillicrap
One for the story tellers amongst you! A short and easy to read book that opens up the archetypal storylines that shape much of our imagination. Throughout the book these stories are bought alongside stories of Christ, demonstrating how he ultimately fulfills the longings found deep within these narratives.
UCCF have also developed an Impact Group Series called 'The Stories we Tell' based on this book. The series can be found here.

Art and the Bible by Francis Schaeffer
A helpful foundational text for delving into a theological exploration of the arts. It is an old one, and Schaeffer may not always resonate with contemporary culture today, but it is a very useful little book to help guide you though a theology for the arts.

Plugged In by Dan Strange
Taking the arts at its broadest - from Instagram to Netflix, birdwatching to zombies, Daniel Strange gives us principles for engaging positively with our culture. With lots of practical examples and reader activities, this book is a really helpful place to start if you are interested in getting your teeth into cultural engagement.

Beyond Air Guitar by Alastair Gordon
This book has been around for a while but is a must read for any Christian students at art school. Written by former UCCF Staff Worker Alastair Gordon, the book is packed full of answers to questions you might have about studying in the arts, interviews with professional Christian creatives, and tonnes of easy to read theology of the arts.

Imagine by Steve Turner
Another classic! In this book Steve Turner gently challenges the disregard the church has sometimes shown towards the arts. The book then challenges Christians to celebrate Christ's lordship over all and every area of life - including the arts, media, film, and music.
Just don't count the number of times the band U2 is mentioned... its a lot...

Also check out...
We would also highly recommend checking out the IVP series 'Studies in Theology and the Arts' which highlights a selection of excellent books focused on a wide range of creative theological questions.
Get in touch!
Read a book recently that you would like to recommend? Get in touch with us, we would love to hear what is helping you at the moment so that we can share it with others!
Also coming soon to Arts Network: Book discussion guides to help you use these books for your hubs