Title: Art and Faith
October 6th 2022, Interface talk
Speakers: Jess Lacey and Dohyun Baek
Jess Lacey
Jess works in the publishing industry as an editor at Hodder and Stoughton. Most of her time is spent working with authors, illustrators and designers to make beautiful books at Hoder Faith, an imprint within hachette UK.
Dohyun Baek
Dohyun is a London based artist. He studied Fine art at Goldsmiths, University of London (2014-2018). Dohyun's figurative works are shaped by questions about what it is to be human and where peole find hope. These questions are explored through 'Doodooism', a concept he has been developing in his practice as a response to his generation's angst. Doodooism uses childish, meme-like humour to bridge the stories of vulnerable people to the wider humanity and acknowledges the frustrations, neglect and fatigue of those burdened and on the margins. Poo, bottoms, and clocks feature frequently to explore themes of time and process, human vulnerability, and creativity.
Video breakdown:
2:17 - Dohyun discusses what it looks like to be a 'faithful' Christian artist through a reflection on his own practice and the work of Van Gogh.
Reflection Questions:
Q1. Think about the subjects/themes of your artistic practice. How can you be a blessing to others as an artist?
Q2. What is your work's relevance in art history? How is it relevant in contemporary art?
23:12 - Jess Lacey interrogates the question, what makes a work of art 'Christian'? Exploring the art world and the sacred/secular divide.
Reflection question:
Q1. What art do you think Jesus would make if he was in your studio space?
Q&A with Jess Lacey and Dohyun Baek with the students of London Interface Hub